Partisan politics isn't about doing or saying what's right - it's about what will either build up your brand or tear down your opponent. Fair's got nothing to do with it - judgements are crafted by the victors. This is why virulent partisanship fails our country.
I think sometimes the backroom folk get so caught up in their quest for political dominance that they forget how to see their opponents (and even their own teammates) as people. Respected adversaries, perhaps, but ones to be torn down by whatever means can be gotten away with. That's where spin comes in - as much as spin is about reframing the narrative for an audience, it's about dopping your own integrity to do what you feel you have to do in the darkness.
Yeah, that's right - I'm looking at you, Tim Powers.
How about Canadians? I definitely question a whole host of actions - some that seem pretty blatantly bigoted - committed by our current Conservative government (PS - the parrot is dead, Tim). Does that make me anti-Canadian? I'm sure both Tim and I take issue with Quebec separatists - does that, then, make us anti-French?
I get how politics is played. It's a two-dimensional arms race for political clout and voter blocks; with us or against us, our guys are perfect, yours are out to destroy the country. We're not sanctimonious, we're justified - it's the other guys who have sold their soul for a seat at the table. What partisan politics loses, however, is sincerity and integrity.
That's as true for individuals as it is for Parties on the whole. I wonder, in his quiet moments, if Powers questions whether he has abused his position and gone too far. I imagine he does, and that this doubt lingers like a splinter in his mind. Some of his fellow political warriors pour their challenged faith into songs or blogs or prayer. I wonder if Tim does something like that.
Don't worry, Tim - if not, I'm sure somebody's praying for you.
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