The Mouse House recognizes the financial juggernaut that is the pan-Asian film-going audience, Chinese and beyond. If you want to expand your Asian market for big-bill films like, say, Star Wars, it's simply good business to put some Asian actors on screen to increase their appeal.
It's the worst kind of invasion; it's like Lefty Hollywood is opening the door and letting the barbarians in. Or like that time Apple argued in favour of gay marriage.
How the people who argue that their traditions/genetics are superior while promoting free-market capitalism and dismiss marginalized populations as whiners square their fear of being supplanted on the streets, in the work place and even on screen by lesser-than ethnicities is a bit confusing, but hey - when you're ideology is simple and straightforward, there's not much that can alter it, is there?

Evolution isn't about those who are the toughest, inflexible or violent - it favours those best able to adapt.
Which is why I'm not super worried about race wars or violent clashes between ideological progressive and conservatives. It's basic Sun-tzu; the best battles are the ones won without ever setting foot in the arena.
I can't force you to believe this, but it is good business.
Trust me.
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