There is a lot of justified concern out there about the state of Ontario's economy, the sustainability of our health care sector and the effectiveness of our education, social service and justice sectors. That's a lot of big problems requiring complex, daunting solutions. It's more than any one person, agency or even one sector can solve on its own.
At the same time, there are leaders, innovators and socially-minded entrepreneurs creating pieces of the solution we need to keep moving forward. School principals are changing the design of learning spaces. Private ventures are making it easier for private and not-for-profit companies to harness public funding. New approaches are being devised to facilitate information sharing and how to foster greater workplace productivity.
These islands of excellence are creating tomorrow's answers today - but all too often, they are working in isolation or within individual sectors. As a result, exciting opportunities are being missed; partnerships that could spin off whole new industries and effective solutions to our social and economic challenges aren't being realized.
Islands of Excellence: Make Waves bridges that gap. By bringing together the best community builders, thought leaders and entrepreneurs in the province into one space, Islands of Excellence creates a community of opportunity. That's opportunity for Ontario - and opportunity for you as well.
On Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th you have the chance to join this community, add your piece to the puzzle and meet some fantastic new partners. It all happens at The YMCA Academy, a short hop from both Queen's Park and the MaRS Discovery District.
You can register here.
Let's bridge the gap; let's build tomorrow's solutions today, together.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Saturday November 17
Friday November 16
6 pm Pecha Kucha Social - Islands Of Excellence Edition
- Innovational speakers
- Unparalleled access to Ontario's thought leaders
Saturday November 17
10 am - 5 pm - Discussion Topics:
- Provocateur - Pushing our Comfort
- Morning - Who are we in the system?
- What is the future of education, today?
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