All the posts I have done, to date, on Richard Pietro's epic Open Government on the Open Road tour.
Other people might right books; I blog. Richard travels, and meets, and films.
It's all been possible thanks to the patronage of Make Web Not War who believed in Richard's vision of civic engagement as art. It's paid off for them, it's worked out for Richard and I actually do believe we've all been able to catalyze some change.
So, potential corporate patrons out there - if you'd like to see an actual book, or here Richard talk about his experience in person, or maybe support #OGT15 - let us know. We'd be open to that conversation.

May 24 - Building Brand for the Journey Ahead
May 30 - #WeAreOpen to Memes!
June 23 - @RichardPietro needs a Bigger Boat
July 3 - #OGT14: The Adventure Begins
July 4 - @RichardPietro and an Affair at Queen's Park
July 25 - Why You Want to Be #WhereWorldsCollide
July 30 - Why @RichardPietro Deserves Your Support:
Aug 20 - The Most Interesting Person in Canadian Politics Right Now
Aug 29 - Please help me set my #OGT14 table!
Sept 2 - This is Big: #OGT14 gets endorsed
Sept 9 - The Open Sausage: Inside #OGT14
Sept 15 - #OGT14 It Doesn't End Here

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