Lots of employers think all this motivational stuff is pandering. You pay an employee for their labour - that's the transaction. If they don't do what they're paid to, you can them. If they do it better than expected, maybe you give them a raise (though really, only if they ask for one). That's all there is to it.
This can be true for some kinds of work - like being on an assembly line, perhaps - but even then, monotony has been identified as a risk in accidents. Rotating positions breaks behaviour, increases alertness and reduces the risk of someone losing a finger.
For creative work - ideation, problem solving, even networking - a transasctional approach to labour simply doesn't cut it. The same holds true for client relations - end-users don't want a thing, they want an experience.
You can disagree with this - lots of leaders do. They don't care about monotony, feelings or communication - they know they're boss and that what they message goes, period. Try to convince them otherwise, they will either ignore you or fight back; either way, they're gonna stand firm in their positions.
Which is fine. That, after all, is the whole point of evolution - that which fails to adapt, doesn't survive.
So how confident are you that your organization can weather the coming storm?
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