Group Think
It’s like watching a car crash,
or a school-yard fight; something isn’t quite right, so we’re drawn to it.
Ever wonder why?

People like to think that we are superior
to and separate from nature and therefore, justified in doing whatever
we please to our environment. Not
only is this wrong; the very reasons why people think such things is biological.

People are busy, so politics isn’t
of major interest to us. It’s a big mass
of incomprehensibleness, so we are less motivated to confront it. Politicians count on this – they use the “nothing
to see here” meme, because they
don’t want to deal with scrutiny. Or,
they shout
fire and try to redirect your attention.
For their end, politicians are
frequently loath to deal with the big, messy challenges of our times – the Gordian Knots of politics
like urban transit, poverty reduction, mental health.
Yet, when it becomes clear that
our own interests are clearly at stake either positively
or negatively, we become unwaveringly engaged. We just need enough motivation to get
there. This can be a limited number of
resources available (SALE! Come buy before it’s all gone!), a significant
threat to safety (trouble lapping at our shores), control (i.e. “you’re withus or with the child pornographers” polarization) or my favourie, the desire not to be l left out of an emerging movement.
The question is, where
does our threshold of self-interest lie?
If you’re a cut-throat entrepreneur or a narcissist, it’s pretty high. You’re about you all the time. If you’re a “why can’t we all get along”
heart-bleeder, it’s pretty low. There’s
a reason shame is
connected with empathy and neither rest at the top of behavioural traits of
the 1%.

For our part, we overlook prorogation,
etc. because it isn’t seen as that relevant to us – it’s all an
over there thing. When it comes to
robocalls, though – that’s a bit like a deceptive advertisement, isn’t it? Now that it’s seen as a legitimate threat to
our individual control, what have we done?
circling the wagons. Just as any
group does when there’s a perceived threat.
The more convinced we are of our
own internal sovereignty, the more we subject ourselves to unconscious,
biological control. The more we question
ourselves and connect with others, the more actual influence we have.
That’s why education in general
and understanding cognitive function in particular are so important. Without knowledge, we’re slaves to our
own natures.
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