What disturbs you most about this picture; that people are walking by nonchalantly, or that the homless guy has a pet he can't take care of? We revist this at the bottom.
Francis’ approach is not an atypical one for someone with an aggressive, pro-capitalist mentality. She talks about economy and policy through a focus on commodity prices, the tax base, export markets, etc.
The only time she talks about actual people is through a financial lens. Health care costs, education costs, social expenditures outpacing economic growth, etc. Immigrants are equated with additional taxpayer expenses.
“Tough-minded” folk like Francis take the approach that it’s a dog-eat-dog world, you have to stay competitive to get ahead, etc. The only people we should encourage are the ones willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. When it comes to business or politics, caveat emptor is the name of the game.

The big “risk takers” in the capitalist system aren’t the bravest – they’re the trickiest. They’re the ones who find ways to download the consequences of risk to those with less money or less guile; that is, the lower-class, the disposable employee, the uneducated who spend without proper planning. This might have been a model that worked back when Western feudalism or early in the industrial age, but it doesn’t cut it any more.
In the days where the rich sold products made on the back of cheap leabour to each other, crime was a bigger issue, as were epidemics. The more condensed communities got, the worse the problem became. Conversely, as public health care and centralized social service delivery grew, life got better. Income disparity shrank as education, diversity, health and safety were regularized. This trend led to the development of the modern middle class; the very group that is currently being squeezed.
As the “tough-minded” people sought ways to get ahead, they found increased justification for doing so at the expense of their less hawkish social peers. What has resulted? An increasingly polarized society with both ends embittered against each other.
Yet, the 1% simply cannot exist without the 99%. You can’t run a business without people; you can’t compete in today’s emerging markets without properly developed and accommodated cognitive skills. Labour is a transaction – a person sells their skills to an employer who benefits from the resulting products or services. In this case, it’s the employer who needs to keep “buyer beware” in mind; if you’re not willing to invest in your human resources, it’s your own productivity that will suffer.
If you said that the homeless guy isn't fit to have a pet - what say you to the countless employers who are routinely causing stress-related illness in their employers, reducing their own productivity?
It's time for a systematic rethink.
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