Tuesday 19 March 2013

Accenture on E-Government

More than half of respondents to an Accenture digital government survey would use digital services—including mobile websites and apps—if offered by government, especially for routine transactions. A majority also want to conduct all their government business digitally in the future.


As citizens and employees are embracing mobile technology, how do government agencies harness it to drive government transformation and deliver public service for the future?
Mobile is everywhere
There are more mobile devices than people in the United States.

2 With so many devices in the hands of so many people, the private sector has reinvented service delivery for on-the-go consumers. While the pace of mobility adoption has been slower in the public sector, it is gaining traction. According to a 2012 National Association of State Chief Information

Officers survey:


- Mobile services and mobility rank fourth among the top ten state CIO priorities for 2013.

57 percent of state CIOs say that mobile

devices and apps are either a high priority

or essential to the strategic agenda.

What has held back mobile adoption? An

Accenture survey of private and government

IT executives reveals that security and

cost concerns are primary barriers.

4 Many

organizations are in the early stages of

mobile strategy development. They are

looking to set priorities, establish governance,

define technology standards and security

requirements, as well as define mobile

application development, user experience

and content distribution strategies.

Government agencies are realizing that

some of the biggest benefits from mobile

government solutions come from combining

technology with process transformation.

Based on our research, they should consider

the following value drivers for new mobile


1. Mobile technology can bridge

the digital divide.

With the advent of e-government, there was

concern that online government services

would create barriers for low-income

populations without technology access.

As we know today, this was not the case,

and we believe that similar concerns about

mobility are likely to prove as unfounded.

Mobile devices are actually technology

equalizers in a world where the consumerization

of IT is the norm. For many people,

their smartphone is the only computing

device they own. According to the Pew

Internet & American Life Project, 34

percent of U.S. adults with a household

income of less than $30,000 in 2012 owned

a smartphone—a 12 percent increase over

the previous year.

5 State and local agencies are

implementing a wide range of mobile apps

for citizen use. These include California’s

alcohol and drug program app, Delaware’s

parks app, Virginia’s department of motor

vehicles app and Seattle’s public library app.

2. Mobility can change relationships

between citizens and government.

Self service through mobile apps is a natural

evolution from online self service for

everything from applying for services to

checking account status. In fact, mobility

provides value added features such as GPS,

camera, scanners and context awareness

to support location-based services that are

not readily available through online portals.

Consider this scenario. Applying for benefits

and services creates questions and requires

documentation. Mobility can streamline

this process. Governments can mobile-enable

portals and use these value added features

to help leapfrog personalization and

improve convenience. Accenture research

reveals that this move from standardized

to personalized service is a key shift for

governments to more cost-effectively deliver

public service outcomes that citizens want.


Mobility also has the potential to reshape

citizen engagement by promoting new

dialogues between citizens and agencies

using social media, gaming and other

technologies. Accenture’s 1,400 Digital

Government Survey respondents agree—51

percent believe that their ability to interact

digitally with government would encourage

them to be more engaged with government.

3. Mobility can help government

agencies become more insight driven.

Accenture research also shows that building

meaningful and sustainable public service

requires governments to become less reactive

and more insight driven.

7 An important

part of this is fostering collaboration and

cooperation across systems and anticipating

and applying proactive measures.

Mobility is a great enabler of this shift. For

example, consider how well aligned mobile

solutions are to public safety and law

enforcement. Mobility allows personnel

to gather on-scene data in real-time so

they can share it, make decisions and act.

VDC Research Group reports that public safety

officers are relying more on smartphones,

tablets and in-vehicle mobile solutions.

Evidence collection, geographical apps,

collaboration tools and field surveillance

via mobile tools are among the solutions

positioned to change how officers work.


4. Mobility can increase workforce

productivity—and satisfaction.

Mobility can drive field service productivity.

For example, mobile can improve the efficiency

of building inspectors and remote maintenance

workers, who can access critical information

on the job, take pictures of job sites or parts,

video conference to problem solve with

experts, and use GPS to find nearby suppliers.

New York City is looking at adopting mobile

technology to support building inspections.

Accenture’s workforce management experience

with commercial enterprises reveals that

mobile technology coupled with field force

transformation can help organizations

achieve one good extra job per day per

technician. Accenture supported the U.S.

Census Bureau develop and implement a

mobile solution used by field office staff

to conduct the 2010 Decennial Address

Canvassing operation. The nationwide

implementation helped the Bureau complete

primary address canvassing within 19 days

compared to a manual approach which

previously took over three months.

The back office is another great frontier

for mobile. While adoption is slower here,

there is growing interest in mobile enabling

areas like logistics, human resources and

finance. Government workers want an array

of services on their mobile devices from

training and business intelligence apps to

time and expense and approvals apps. And

as agencies compete with the private sector

to attract and retain talent, providing

mobile workforce tools is critical.

Moving on mobile

Going mobile is a big transformation.

People, process, technology and change

management will come into play in delivering

mobile government solutions. A first step is

for agencies to identify priorities based on

potential impacts to citizens and

government effectiveness. This future

vision will help guide decisions around

architecture, application development,

standards, security and governance. Exploring

the possibilities—and experimenting

along the way—is key to mobile enabling

government services for the future.

For more information,

please contact:

Lisa Mitnick

Managing Director, Accenture Mobility


+1 703 947 4128

About Accenture

Accenture is a global management consulting,

technology services and outsourcing company,

with 259,000 people serving clients in more

than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled

experience, comprehensive capabilities

across all industries and business functions,

and extensive research on the world’s

most successful companies, Accenture

collaborates with clients to help them

become high-performance businesses and

governments. The company generated net

revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal

year ended Aug. 31, 2012. Its home page is


About Accenture Mobility

Accenture is focused on enabling its clients

to achieve breakthrough growth throughout

the rapidly changing mobile ecosystem.

Accenture Mobility offers five mobility services

including consulting, software services—

applications, software services—devices and

platforms, managed services, and business

integration services. These are designed

to help organizations embrace business

to employee (B2E), business to consumer

(B2C), business to business (B2B) and machine

to machine (M2M) business opportunities.

Accenture offers mobility and embedded

software services across a wide range of

industries and platforms, including Android™,

Apple® iOS, Blackberry®, Linux, Meego™,

Symbian, Windows® Phone and Windows 8.


Accenture, Build it and They Will Come? The Accenture

Digital Citizen Pulse Survey and the Future of Government


2012. Accenture surveyed more than 1,400

people in Australia, France, Germany, India, Singapore, the

United Kingdom and the United States in an online survey

conducted from November 29 to November 30, 2011.





National Association of State Chief Information Officers,

Technology Forecast 2013: What State and Local

Government Technology Officials Can Expect,



Accenture, CIO Mobility Survey 2012.


Pew Internet & American Life Project,




Accenture, Delivering Public Service for the Future:

Navigating the Shifts,



Accenture, Delivering Public Service for the Future:

Navigating the Shifts,



VDC Research, David Krebs, Strategic Insights 2012:

Enterprise Mobility Solutions, Public Safety Solutions,

Government Mobility Vertical & Application Markets,


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