Why? Why would they repeat history when the lessons are there to be learned? It's easy - they're fixated on power and control and think that, because they're in charge, they can defy social gravity. They are reacting on instinct - not proactively planning.
So, let's look at history and see what else is there to be learned. The Tories are going to pay for this at the polls, eventually, but in the meantime, with only two viable political parties at the forefront, people are going to be looking elsewhere to see their concerns represented. This could be a renewed Liberal Party, or it could be a series of somethings new. I hate to say it, but I would keep an eye out for a party further to the right of the CPC gaining some presence, too. Where success will emerge, though, is from the Centre.

Where are the new, progressive political movements going to come from? The same place they always do - coffee shops, pubs, places where people gather to share ideas. While Occupy and students are taking to the streets (there's that protest movement, again) civic engagement movements like Why Should I Care or former MP (and visionary thinker) Gerard Kennedy's Democracy Renewal Nights are discussing policy in the context of reality and coming up with tomorrow's social solutions.

It's ironic to the extreme - in trying to obtain ultimate control and establish a Conservative dynasty that will last a thousand years, Stephen Harper's Conservatives are actually serving as social brushfire, burning off the the accrued detritus of past social models and clearing the way for what comes next. They are playing the role that society has engineered them to.
Welcome to the 21st Century; welcome to the Conscious Society.
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