I won't lie; my eyes welled up a bit while I read this piece. I've faced many a communication challenge in my life. I have some idea of what it's like to have so much you want to share but for whatever reason, be restrained from doing so. I know the frustration and stigma a chasm of the personal can cause, for both sides. Cara Santa Maria beautifully captures the tragic poignancy, the almost-meeting of spirits, if not as much minds, through the relatively short time frame of her encounter with Hawking.
Her writing reminds me of a favourite line from Jack Kerouac's On the Road - "We tiptoed around each other like heartbreaking new friends."
If two minds as beautiful as these can't bridge that simple, human gap, can any of us?
So long as we make the effort, there will always, always be something that's shared - even if it's just a new way of seeing ourselves.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Hey Glenn, the kid's a person and he's in the damned room!
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