Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Overview of Outgoing Employee Transition Strategy

The Plan

Moving Forward Together: A Team Transition Strategy would involve three phases:

1)      Build the Transition Plan and Team

2)      Implementation

3)      Follow-Up

Phase 1 – Building the Transition Plan and Team

Based on the number of departing staff, Department Heads will select Transition Team Partners to manage the transitions of no more than ten individuals each.

Transition Team Partners will be selected based on:

-          Their demonstrated commitment to the wellbeing of the team

-          Communication and empathy skills

-          Internal and external connectivity

-          Capacity to manage departing staff (client) responsibilities in addition to their existing jobs

-          Ability to identify opportunities both for their clients and, through targeted connections, the agencies they are departing

Transition Team Partners will be assigned clients and provided with client contact information and details of last position/campaign roles.

While a volunteer position, Transition Team Partners, if staff, would be given flexibility with their regular duties to allow sufficient time to exercise these responsibilities.  All Government employees, including political staff and where possible, stakeholders would be encouraged to support Transition Team Partners in identifying and connecting with targets.

Phase 2 – Implementation

HR will contact departing staff and inform them of their status; HR will then explain the transition service the Department will provide and indicate their assigned Transition Team Partners will contact them.

Transition Team Partners connect with their clients, supplying a questionnaire designed to help clients profile their interests, skills and career objectives.  A meeting to plan next steps will be arranged.  This initial conversation will firmly establish that positive results cannot be guaranteed and it is in the best interests of the client to continue seeking out opportunities through traditional methods throughout the process.

-          In the event that clients have already found new employment, meetings will still be established to retain connectivity between individuals and the agency they are exiting.

During this meeting, Transition Team Partners will use the questionnaire to help their clients build a narrative (i.e. What is your career objective?) to help Partners identify targets and clients frame themselves in interviews. 

Transition Team Partners will work with their internal and external contacts, reaching out to other potential supports to identify targets for each of their clients.  These targets will be suggested to clients and, where there is consensus, informational interviews will be arranged.  Partners can attend these meetings based on their availability and inclination.

Transition Team Partners would provide status updates to HR, who would in turn let Team Partners know of any new opportunities within the Civil Service.  Transition Team Members would also convene monthly to share targets and see where cross-pollination is possible.

This would be an ongoing process until such time as “next steps”, be it new employment, ongoing social assistance, etc, are established.

Phase 3 – Follow-Up

Once next steps have been secured and clients are established, Transition Team Partners will reconnect to see how the new positions are going.

Contacts, targets and clients will be provided an opportunity to evaluate the process.  Transition Team Partners will convene to determine best practices and lessons learned.

EXECUTIVE RECTRUITMENT, a Toronto placement firm, uses more or less the same methodology.  Where the gap lies is in employers recognizing the value of landing outgoing employees.  We'll get there.
  1. Conduct a client interview to identify the qualitative and quantitative factors that establishes the ideal candidate.
  2. Evaluate that information and, using our extensive database and experience as resources, determine the most targeted approach to finding the top candidates.
  3. Begin contacting potential candidates and screen them by way of initial telephone interviews.
  4. Determine the contenders who are the closest match to our ideal candidate to meet for more in-depth, face-to-face interviews.
  5. Assess the results to determine a short-list of three or four candidates to present to the client.
  6. Provide the client with an individual assessment of selected candidates.
  7. Arrange interviews with the client and candidates.
  8. Perform an in-depth de-brief with both the client and the candidates to ensure a clear understanding of job requirements and expectations, determine a cultural fit and establish both parties desire to continue the process.
  9. Co-ordinate follow-up interviews when necessary.
  10. Consult with client to determine the best candidate and confirm the candidate’s satisfaction and willingness to accept an offer.
  11. Facilitate the offer process.
  12. Complete or assist with the reference checks, as the client requires.
  13. Give guidance to the candidate as needed with the resignation process.

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