Wednesday 14 March 2012

Employee Transition Strategy Questionnaire (SAMPLE)



1.       What issues or causes are you passionate or concerned about?



2.       What do you love to do?



3.       What is your career goal/what do you want to accomplish in life?



4.       Are there specific organizations or fields that you are particularly interested in?



5.       Are you more interested in working in positions in the Public, Private or Not-for-Profit Sectors?  Starting a business?



6.       What areas of your personal performance and presentation do you feel would benefit from growth/new approaches?




7.       Which of your skills sets do you feel are your greatest strength?



8.       What aspects of your last position appealed to you the most?



-          The least?



9.       What are you interested in learning more about?



10.   What new skills do you think would be valuable to learn in furtherance of your career goals?




11.   From your experience, which types of work environments have you found most engaging?



-          Most stressful?




-          Least motivating?



12.   Do you have stakeholders/external contacts you could approach for advice, additional contacts, or to present yourself as a potential opportunity to?



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