Tuesday, 11 November 2014


“And even if some old bigot from a backwoods village in Pakistan or Somalia doesn’t want to respect Canada, that's where our schools come in and teach those bigots' kids and grandkids what it means to be Canadian.

I don't know whether Ezra Levant is being a cynical laissez-faire capitalist using free speech as way to drum up hate and sell t-shirts or if he's so limbically out of whack that this narrative is where his brain actually went to when he read the memo.

I imagine it's a bit of both.

What I know for certain, though, is that #BackwoodsBigot is a meme-worthy phrase is ever there was one, up there with #DuffyPickUpLines.

But I really do hope he gets some help.  It's not healthy, being so mad at everything all the time.  In fact, there's a diagnosis in it.

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