Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Sex Work and Politics: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Government auditing a think-tank for bias.  Got it.  Research and resulting policy suggestions must be holistic, unbiased, evidence-based.

Unless, of course, it's government that's in the driver's seat.

A bill on Sex Workers that was crafted without the input of sex workers.  That, to me, sounds kinda biased.

Leaders set the example; when they choose to set a bad one, that's the lead that people follow.

This government feels entitled to create the reality they want and to shoot down those who feel differently.

Not a great example to set, this.  In fact, there's precedent for what happens when government besides they play by different rules.

It's time all of us start thinking ahead a bit more - this isn't a race to the finish line.  It's supposed to be democracy.

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