Sunday, 6 July 2014

Warren Wants Some Open Data


It's an interesting thing, this Open Business.  As raised by the City of Toronto's Harvey Low at the launch of Richard Pietro's #OGT14 Open Gov on the Open Road tour, people can pull all kinds of stats out of Open Data - ethnicity and postal code, for instance, or religiosity and postal code.
There are obvious privacy concerns that come along with all things Open Data, as well as no small part of responsibility.  Of course, if/when everyone's living out in the open, it gets harder to do what you know is socially irresponsible.  If anything, the Open Movement is an opportunity for the supports, but also check and balances of community living to adapt to urban environments.  Putting some human statistics around poverty, as an example, makes it harder to write off without considering social context.
Funny enough, I heard an interesting rumour about where Open Government may be headed.
Does it all connect?  It always has.

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