Monday, 9 June 2014

The Wheel's Still In Spin

The folk I know who are really successful at all this messaging stuff will smirk at this comment, then go back do doing things the way they know it actually works.  



Message discipline.

Attack competitors.

Change the channel.

Ignore - it will all go away, people have short attention spans, etc.

The problem is, people aren't sheep; it's not that they don't care, they simply don't like their options. Increasingly, "none of the above" is becoming the default choice.  Less votes are being cast, less attention is being paid, increasingly narrow and uninformed choices are being made that work ideologically, but not practically.

It's a spiral - not a fatal one, if reversed, but that reversal needs to happen.

Which, fortunately, it is.  There's an increasing appetite for authenticity - people being themselves rather than what they think will sell.  Authentic people are out there, as they have always been.  Thanks in no small part to social media and unwavering commitment to causes greater than themselves, these authentic voices are on the rise, and converging.

It's an old refrain:

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