Friday 16 May 2014

Have An Awesome Day

There's lots out there to be concerned, frustrated and angry about.  I don't need to give examples; we're all good at picking our own poisons.

Which, really, is what hatred is - not a "purifying force" but a toxin that narrows your view and diminishes your existence.  I once heard it described thusly - hatred is poisoning yourself and waiting for the other person to die.

I don't want you to die, and I don't want to be the agent of my own limitation.  In fact, I think we can have a pretty fruitful existence when we open ourselves up to each other.

Have an awesome day, people out there - I know I will, thanks to you.

Have an awesome day, people of Toronto
Have an awesome day - you know you really wanna
Have an awesome day with the TTC man
Have an awesome day, we're your biggest fan
Have an awesome day, pretty lady
Have an awesome day - will you call me, maybe?
Have an awesome day in the sunshine
Have an awesome day - will you be mine?
Have an awesome day - YOU ROCK! :o)
Have an awesome day, I like your socks!
Have an awesome day, if you wanna play
Have an awesome day; today is your day

Today is your day
Today is your day
Today is your day

Have an awesome day
Have an awesome day - today is your day

Have an awesome day, people!

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