Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Collectively Thinking Different

Why do I have hope for the future and faith in what we can accomplish, collectively?

It probably has a lot to do with the fact I constantly get to interact with people like the ladies at Madeleine Collective.

Hong: The way we’ve structured our collective allows the four of us take creative ownership over the projects that we work on. Because we come from diverse backgrounds, we end up exploring ideas from four very different perspectives - we’re always challenging one another to think outside the box. The amazing thing is, the more we work together, the more we understand each other’s styles, and we are constantly changing our approaches to how we function. There is this concept of genius as the ability to combine ideas in unexpected and radical ways. We’re maximizing our genius potential using collective brain-power and the ability to make unexpected connections.

Bazuin: Due to our unique skill sets and our very different personalities, I like to compare us, with sincere reverence, to the perfect combination that exists in the Spice Girls, with each of us sporting a separate yet compatible set of talents (and personal style) that come together to make a strong and sassy group. Collaboration is hard, but to us, collaboration is key. It’s something we’ve worked on and studied within the group because we recognize that effective communication with one another is at the core of our strength and the key to our success.

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