Wednesday, 30 October 2013

An Unconventional Truth

 V for Vendetta

But then, it is only a convention that we obey the law.
In general, people like peace, order and good government.  Regulations are a part of that.  Gripe as we might when caught driving distractedly or otherwise cutting corners, we get that the rules are in place to maintain a shared standard for everyone. 
When it's blatantly obvious that those who make and preach the sanctity of those rules disregard them, that doesn't sit well.  Nobody likes to feel they're unilaterally held to a standard ignored by the folks in charge.  It makes us feel taken advantageous of, treated like lesser-thans.  When the law is seen to be inconsistently applied, it ceases to be recognized as law. 
It becomes a convention.  It's much harder to get people to hold to conventions that are counter to their interests and clearly skewed towards the interests of a select minority.
And that's just the truth.

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