Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sam Witwer on the Art of Personal Branding

Trying to sell yourself for a gig, be it a job, a promotion, political office?  You could do worse that to look at how Sam Witwer presents himself.  The Why comes first, which is why he does his homework, meaning you can have complete faith in whatever product you task him for.

It works.

Witwer: No, I'm just too busy, man. I just can't see it happening. Oh, wait a second -- Sure! Absolutely. Totally! Are you kidding? I would kill for the opportunity to just be in the room and audition, honestly. I really feel like, in a weird way, I've put my time in and I'm ready for that type of opportunity. I've portrayed a lot of Star Wars characters, and they've been very different from each other. It wasn't just me being a fan and feeling like, "Okay, I'm ready to do this role!" No, that wasn't good enough. I had to go and watch 1940s movies and Casablanca and Double Indemnity and The Killing and all this stuff that George Lucas would have watched when he was younger. You know, even the 1930s serials like Flash Gordon. It's all stuff where Star Wars came from -- the Kurosawa films, all these things. All of that research informed how I approached these roles, and fans seem to think that it feels right. If it does, it's because I feel like I've made an effort to try to understand George Lucas and where this stuff comes from. I wouldn't feel comfortable just shooting from the hip because Star Wars is too important to me, so I did my homework. I feel like if J.J. Abrams was like, "Yeah, let's call in Sam Witwer for an audition," I'd feel like I could do a pretty good job in that audition room, because I think I understand this stuff. I think I know how you'd perform it, whether it's a big bad evil guy or one of the protagonists. So that's my personal opinion. [Laughs] I don't know if that holds any weight in terms of the people that are in the room right now, but yeah. I feel that I could do a decent job with it.

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