Stay safe, folks. Don't take chances when it comes to weather. Don't go out if you don't need to! Prepare at home, too - get some ice, and the following:
Among items to consider for an emergency kit are:
- Four litres of water per person for each day of a 72-hour period (two litres for drinking, and two litres for washing)
- Enough non-perishable or canned food for each person for 72 hours, as well as enough food for pets
- A manual can opener
- A crank or battery-operated flashlight, with extra batteries
- A crank or battery-operated radio, with extra batteries
- Spare keys for the house and car
- A first aid kit
- Cash in small bills, in case power outages restrict the use of bank machines
- Other special needs items such as medications, baby formula, diapers and equipment for people with disabilities
The Canadian Red Cross recommends keeping the supplies in easy-to-carry containers, such as rolling suitcases, so they can be easily transported in the event of an evacuation.
CBC weather specialist Craig Larkins said Sandy, which is still a Category 1 hurricane, is 1,300 kilometres wide, making it the second-largest tropical storm in the Atlantic since 1988.
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