Wednesday 17 October 2012

Binders Full of Women - Romney Cues the Meme Machine

People love memes.  They're a powerful, infectious form of communication.  Memes can work for you or against you.

This one is definitely not spooling out in Romney's favour. 

One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor:

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner:

Hey, is that a blackberry?



Even more yeesh:

The Most Interesting Man in the World:

Cute and cheeky:

Even cuter and cheekier:

Is this CanCon?

Binders Full of Women Tumblr meme Mitt Romney Presidential Debate Barack Obama funny Ryan Gosling

I'm waiting for someone to do a Call Me Maybe: Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but you're a woman so get in my binder.  Or something.

There are tons more and they just keep comin'.  What's your favourite?

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