Sunday, 3 June 2012

Too Many Characters

The following back-and-forth tweetage with Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi reminds of advice I have heard, time and again; don't give detail, give bullet points.  People don't have the time or patience or complexity.  This is true, but is this wise?  How many corners do we keep painting ourselves into by not delving into detail? 

Which reminds me of this clip from the movie Amadeus, about Mozart - a genius composer who could create symphonies the way others can breathe, but was a rather complex man as a result of that creative fire

Brevity = speed; detail = distance.

Which few did you have in mind?  ;o)

"if we don't have great public education, we should stop taking immigrants". Adrienne Clarkson.
How about "we need immigrants + a strong society, so we should make sure we have the best possible public education for all?"
too many characters! :-)

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