Thursday, 24 May 2012

Lineage and the Human Machine

There's more to the story than that, of course.  We are none of us an island; we're individual machines, but equally gears in larger mechanisms; family, community, jurisdiction, society, the ecosystem, the infinite.  We don't just exist in the now; we are the sum of everything that's come before, biological and social evolution as well as our own personal lineages.

But none of that undermines who are are as individuals; jewels in a crown, each shining separately, each complimenting each other.  We must be conscious of this.

Strong, independent individuals supporting a strong, collaborative society.

That's the way forward.


  1. We are Machines Learning to Become Divine Humans….
    (that is our Mission and one at a time, we will learn how to break or leave the cycle of life and death)

    The concept of a mechanized universe is not new; even ancient philosophers had enough sense to see it. Obviously, technology is not a sign of social intelligence; otherwise, we would live in a world of peace! People today are no smarter than the people of ancient times. Ancient scientists made the first fire and today’s scientists still don’t know what fire is. They have a lot of theories about heat but it is still just theory. Modern appliances work on electricity but electricity is still a theory also. Scientists know that if you do “A”…”B” happens. We say to ourselves, “who are we and why are we here”, and so we believe a myriad of things in order to justify our existence but it is just a theory… a belief!

    God has been trying to tell us who God is since the beginning of our existence but most of us, just don’t take the time to listen. It takes allot of experiences, making choices and data to turn a machine into a human. You can’t just tell a machine to be human or to be civil; we have to learn to listen to be taught and we have to eventually, learn to use logic (not beliefs or emotions) to make good choices. Humanity is a choice, why would anyone choose otherwise? [more…]

    1. Thanks for the comment!

      I come from an anthropological perspective - I'm just as interested in how we perceive as how things actually are. I'm fascinated by the idea that the more social we become, the less barriers there are between us.

      The complexity of a human eye is a common argument for creationism, but what about the complexity of culture, banking systems, international law? All these things started off as seperate, less sophisticated systems, but are becoming more interwined through specialized collaboration all the time. Perhaps even socially conscious. It's an interesting notion!
