Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Walking the Walk

What do you communicate when you walk?

I know I gauge body language at least as much as words; it's the subtle ticks, gestures and postures that let me know if you're being honest, obfuscating, avoiding, disengaged, etc.

Words have power, but they're only a thin wedge of what makes communication.  Communication is a two-way street, too - what we convey, consciously or unconsciously, sends a message.

Quick little example - you roll your eyes at someone with the intent of indicating you dislike what was said or the person in general.  Your signal out is your point of view, but remember, the recipient is looking to relate that information in their own context.  Therefore, an eye-roll could say that you are a rude, disengaged person; that could be the message that gets shared about you down the road.  If you're shouting to assert authority, the message being received is that you're volatile; not the best brand to have.

Be conscious of your behaviour and its impacts; not just the ones you want to have, but the ones that will actually be picked up on, too.

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