Saturday, 18 July 2015

Harper's Pension Joke

   - from Brian Azzarello's Joker graphic novel.

That's what popped into my mind when I read this:

Harper is an ideologue; he wants the world to confirm to his ideology.  Part of him feels he's smarter than anyone else and gets the dynamic of society better than anyone else.  In his world, destroying federalism means that it will cease to exist, and the provinces/people will live in competitive silos and that will be a good thing.

Trouble is, his model doesn't work - never has, never will.  The gap he's building at the centre of Canada's federation is increasingly being filled by the provinces, working together in various chunks, subverting Harper's will and ignoring the directions he's setting for the country.

Harper isn't one to admit defeat.

That's our PM, folks.  

Friday, 17 July 2015

Elsie Snuffin's Ground Rules

Imagine these applied to politics.

Ya, I thought that was funny, too.  It's an aspiration, but one that's going to take some time to implement, since picking fights is integral to winning in politics under our existing model.

As the Open Community emerges, though, and looks for a framework for engagement, there are worse rules to follow than these:


Want to chime in? Excellent. Please do.
Here are the ground rules. They’re pretty simple:
Be nice.
Be respectful.
Be fair.
Be honest.
Be civil.
Do interact. Don’t pick fights.
Strong opinions are welcome. Hateful ones aren’t.
So play nice, kids.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Disturbance in the Man Force

"Men are being silenced by feminism!" shriek a chorus of men on staged panels, in broadcasts and national columns, without a drop of irony.

Where, I'm sure, the values of free-market competition as the way to land on best balance is equally espoused.

There has been an awakening.  Have you felt it?

As if a million man-voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Or a couple dozen loudly male voices, at any rate.  They're the voices of the same guys who bemoan the Islamization of everything, yet somehow still manage to preach the value of toughnesses and the legitimacy of free-market capitalism.

How can you be the tough-guys, believe that strength prevails, and yet be a whiner when it seems like other people are getting market share of public attention, of clout in economics and policy, or are growing in numbers?  Doesn't that come across as at least a little hypocritical?

Not to the gentlemen doing the bemoaning, I guess, but that's a limbic thing.  

It's all good, because the rising voices of concern are akin to the death rattle of a dying culture, the Rome of yore.  The complete demise of Mannish cultural, political and economic domination won't ever be complete - after all, we still bear the influences of the Roman Empire - but it will happen significantly enough to matter.

It's not strength that endures, after all, but adaptability.

Not a Tower but a Pyramid: #NewWay2Hustle

UPDATED - retweeted by Elsie Snuffin herself, so I must be on to something!

"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits." – Thomas A. Edison

Earlier in the week I had a chat with a former Canadian public servant who let government because of her frustration the rampant dysfunction within the service.  She was being reprimanded by her direct manager for bringing forward innovative ideas, only to see that manager bring forward the same ideas as their own a month later.  She was being pressured by 20 somethings in the Minister's Office on what to put in her reports, regardless of what the actual evidence said.  

She recognized that the top-down pressure of our current silo-based model of governance wasn't working - not for her and not for society as a system.  If anything, it was putting increasingly unsustainable weight on the backs of the people at the bottom, destabilizing the whole in the service of a few.  It wasn't what she got into the business for, and so she left.

Stories like this are not uncommon; the Canadian Public Service isn't what it used to be, in no small part because the bureaucracy at large has become the straw man of hyper-partisan cabinets such as the one currently ruling Canada.

In theory, this is how laissez-faire capitalism works when applied to politics.the aggressive hustlers able to bend others to their will rise to the top and the system aligns accordingly, with those unable to fit in being squeezed out entirely.

Abusive middle managers who take credit for the work/ideas of underlings?  20-something political staffers with no training or life experience related to the work done by the Ministry "beneath them" directing not only activity, but policy analysis?  Above them, aggressive Ministers / proven party-line towers carrying on the will of a PM and his inner circle that equally have little to know experience with the files they're attempting to twist to their ideology?  It's all how the game is played.

Of course, in this system, as proper laissez-faire capitalism in the world beyond politics, there is still room for the aggressive seller or strategic marketer to get ahead.  It's Horatio Alger - you can come from the most marginalized community geographically or demographically, but if you hustle, suck up to the right folk and pick the right fights, you too can rise to the heights of power.

Technically, this theory refers to products/services/ideas, mind you, but in the real world it's not the value of the product that matters - only the strategic sales job of the person pitching them.  The first iteration of the electric car died a premature death not because it wasn't a good idea, but as a result of competing lobby groups.  So it's not just the ability to sell, but the ability to beat competition that matters.

Being a holder of capital in business is a bit like being in a position of power in politics; you're the President in life's card game of Asshole, determining who gets what based on what suits your purposes.  It's up to everyone else to persuade you that they (or their product/service/idea) are worthy of your investment.  As such, you can be as stubborn, pig-headed or biased as you want - it's your money and you will invest it in what you think (or feel) is in your best interests.

In politics, that's how policy and funding (or defunding) now works; if you're good for the partisan interests of the government, you're in and if you aren't, your out.  If you can make a persuasive argument for how your pitch - even if it's something like the social risks of increasing unemployment, under-supported veterans or climate change - works to the governing party's advantage, you've got a shot at support but if you can't, too bad.

Except that's not the whole story.

When everyone is only in it for their own self-interest, the parts don't add up to a sustainable whole - tragedy of the commons situations emerge.  As not everyone is aggressive, or persuasive, or gifted beyond reason in ways that still fit within easy-to-communicate social parameters, not everyone can get ahead, or entice/force the support they need.

Instead, the majority will learn to make due with what they have in a world of dwindling access.  It's the Easter Island phenomenon; people as a whole are highly adaptive, but not universally creative. As a result, "live within our means" adaptation tends to work downwards - people can get used to getting by with less, even under the harshest conditions (Concentration Camps, ISIL torture, Stockholm Syndrome, etc)

People aren't universally creative, but there are highly creative people, highly motivated people who aren't interested in a system that favours wealth and power over results and sustainability.  These people are no less adaptive than anyone else, nor are they less prone to make due with what they have - they simply find ways beyond the system to achieve their objectives.

When capital is increasingly held tightly within the clutches of a class of people who are ideologically committed to a top-down, laissez faire system, those who don't buy into that system find non-capital ways to accomplish their goals.  

This doesn't mean these folk don't need money or don't actively pursue the accumulation of money any more than it means the shift from an agrarian to industrial society meant urban factory workers stopped needing food.  It simply means that particular need became a smaller part of the picture with other pieces taking up more activity, space and time.

I mention those three things specifically because they are key drivers, even moreso than money, in the emerging post-industrial economy.

My favourite example of this is the Centre for Social Innovation's DECA (Desk Exchange Community Animator) program.  This program works transactionally, as the traditional labour-for-money exchanges of capitalism do, but by and large no money changes hands.  Participants work one day a week as administration/community animation in one of CSI's locations and in return, they get free office space, wifi access, meeting room access, etc.  A day's worth of work a week becomes their way of paying rent.  

Except the transaction has deeper layers than this.  CSI's mission is to build a community that puts people and planet before profit; by making it easier for people not only to work out of their space but get actual skin in the game they're playing, the community is expanding much more rapidly than it might if financial transactions were the only tools available to them.  Participants don't just work a front desk; they develop new skills and by helping other CSI community members/the public at large, build their own personal networks.  

In short, the workaround that CSI has developed to skirt the rules of traditional capitalism have also helped them build a counter-culture to the laissez-faire model.

The same thing is happening in politics.  Those squeezed out public servants are increasingly finding new ways of engaging in public service (many by engaging with spaces and communities like CSI or the growing Open Movement).  Some who choose to stay on the inside are finding creative ways to explore their concerns, experiment with new knowledge and connect with the public beyond what the top-down constraints of the current model of government allow.  

These Everyday Political Citizens and Virtuous Schemers are combining their talent, time and resources in subversive, even revolutionary ways that are slowly changing the system.

It's the greatest irony; those with all the capital and those with all the power have a certain understanding of how the game is played and expect everyone to play by those (their rules), ie he who has the gold/power makes the rules.  They expect everyone to come to them, as gatekeepers of money and policy, leaving them with the ability to pick and choose which winners they support.  

Only more and more people are recognizing that they can get a hell of a lot done without money or hands on the traditional levers of power.

This doesn't mean that they don't need capital or political influence to entrench system change; it just means that they don't need to focus exclusively on those things.  As it gets harder and harder to have influence or money, more and more people are gravitating towards these emerging communities of engagement, adopting their pro-social, systems-thinking people-and-planet-before-profit ideology along the way.

And wouldn't you know it - from Davos to the International Economic Forum of the Americas, we're hearing more and more capital holders and politically powerful people echoing the language and approach of the very same people who don't fit within the 20th Century's economic and political framework.

These people still need money and the ability to shape policy, just as those at the top of the pyramid still need food; it's just that their aspirations now run beyond fiscal pursuits.  It's just that they've found new ways to nudge the system in their favour, which is slowly making it easier for them to get those basic building blocks they need to succeed - that everyone needs to succeed.

Hustle while you wait; be the change you want to see in the world.  Like the re-emergence of the electric car.

What's happening now is the confluence of both, the transition to a new world alignment.  Altruism is selfishness that patiently plans ahead, etc.

And it's very cool to see.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

The video's a bit cheesy (forget me-centric society with a media-loving prof who calls his course U-Lab?) and the rhetoric is a bit over done - and yet, what it's saying is none the less true.

I don't know about "emerging self" other than as a cute way of saying self-awareness and confidence, but I do know that the only way to know oneself is to establish a conscious context of that which shapes you, that which you are part of.

Emerging self.  Conscious society.  Expand out, into the world.

Live together.

It's profound, its simple, its terrifying and humbling and elating.

After all, movements aren't about individuals - they're about what people become.

Federalism and Social Gravity

The Political right isn't big on centralization.  They dislike the notion of Big Government, national strategies for things like healthcare, etc.  Team Harper has gone out of their way to reduce government revenue through tax cuts and the like in an endeavour to handicap and future government for upping spending, service provision, etc.

And yet.

That's the lesson of history, the one History's Actors fail to recognize; you can't stop social gravity.  The bigger a community gets, like any organism, the greater becomes the demand for a centralized coordination network, like a nervous system.  If you dismantle that system at one level, another will step in to fill the void.

And on that front, we're just beginning.

Mind Your Military

The Harper government is big on the military - you know, Canada's proud fighting forces keeping troubling seas at bay and fighting against bad people overseas.  Fair enough; ISIL is mass-murdering, enslaving, raping, etc.  They're bad and need stopped.

Thing is, the Harper government isn't taking care of Canada's military.  From medical support to compensation, the system is being jigged away from supportive and more towards the same model the Tories see the rest of the workforce - as tools to be used, with anything not-work related their own problem.

Such is the laissez-faire capitalist model.

Only thing is, that model isn't working; burnout, PTSD, etc are bad.  I'd be curious to see what military recruitment stats are, or any metrics around morale.

Which is the moral of the story - an under-supported military is a less functional, shrinking military.

Can you fix that with the draft, numbers-wise?  Even if you can, will it be effective in supporting a dynamic, responsive fighting force?  If you can't - what happens when people object?

It's an untenable model, which is fine - in the long-term, the system will right itself, which is how evolution works.

The grand irony?  Half of what Team Harper supports is at odds with the other half.  And long-term trajectory doesn't favour them at all.

None of this is low-hanging fruit, though, and therefore not their concern.

Living Work and the Next Labour Revolution

Increased productivity?  That's a bit like increased demand.  When you want more of something, you need to accommodate it the right way - much like the green revolution or the industrial revolution. 

Of course what's being demanded now is something different - not more foodstuff to support population growth or increased/better coordinated labour to fuel industrial growth, but more engagement, innovation and time.  

That means a codification of the already prevalent shift from 9-5, home/work life divide to something different.

It's already happening, of course, both through increased demand of labour and increased willingness of people to contribute User Generated Content.  It's happening informally, however, with no clear rules of engagement and lots of abuse.

Unpaid internships, labour feudalism (we'll give you space or brand, but in return you work for free) are on the rise, as are demands for change.

The landscape of demand, expectation and contribution is changing.  As is the case with any landscape change, that which will succeed is that which is most adaptable, not that which is best at fighting change.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Disrupting Democracy

From vote-swapping apps to the time bomb of data ethics and governance, we are sailing full steam into uncharted waters.

For those who think we're sitting pat, trying to keep seas of troubles from lapping at our shores, except to be more and more uncomfortable.


By and large, myths are a combination of attempts to name the unknown and telephone tag.  It's interesting to note that so many core themes (and characters) are archetypal in culture around the globe; there's a suggestion of something common being manifested through this. 

There's no way we'll ever be able to tell with certainty whether there was a real Moses, or if he's a composite of several characters blended together.  That kind of socio-cultural mix-and-mingle happens all the time, whether we're comfortable in admitting it or not.

Personally, I like the idea of a rebel Pharaoh planting a seed that would outlast by millennia the regime of which he was ultimately a part.  Akenaten was a monotheist who disrupted religion, art, and culture in Ancient Egypt.  His tradition was quickly effaced by Egypt's ruling class - his son would change his name from Tutankhaten to the more familiar Tutankhamen.

Of course, the idea that the liberator of the Jewish people was not Jewish is problematic - from a certain point of view.  People don't like their heroes to be usurped by extranjeros, nor their accomplishments attributed to outsiders.

Unless those heroes "go native", becoming of the people, rescinding their own identity to become reinforcers of the societal status quo of the "noble savages" in question.

Having said that, Christianity is all about an outsider coming down to be the hero.  As much as it is about a rabbi realigning the system, anyway.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how credit is assigned; as Shimon Peres put it at the recent Economic Forum of the Americas Toronto Global Forum, "The smallest thing is ego; the greatest thing is a cause; the greatest cause is serving others."

"When the master's work is done, the People say "Amazing - we did it all by ourselves."