Monday, 17 December 2012

Not One Man of Steel, But a Society of Strength

On so many levels, this is brilliant, timely writing.
I don't think we would be ready for a Superman in our midst.  We're too fearful of feeling insignificant in the grand scheme of things. 
This isn't an issue, though; whether we're waiting for a saviour or not, nobody's going to come down from on high and raise us up. 
That's the big secret - we'll only get there on our own, together.
Which is why I have to disagree with the writing team on one point - the solution isn't to look at the world as an island.  It's to recognize we're not islands and start bridging the gap.

The 407, Charity and Don Drummond:

Lots of wealthy people would disagree with this, but I gotta say - I know a few pretty rich folk and they really aren't any happier than less-heeled people; they have more opportunity and more stuff, but it doesn't seem to feel the hole:
Then, I found this interesting - italics are mine:
Here's a guy that's found the secret; offer value, but don't just seek more stuff in return - gain in terms of self-satisfaction and personal brand by giving value back.
Don Drummond provides a great example of this kind of thinking, which I believe we'll be seeing more of.